MERN Stack Training in Lalitpur

Courses Outlines

MERN Stack Development - JavaScript

  • 1. Introduction to MERN stack
  • 2. Introduction to JavaScript programming language
  • 3. Technologies around JavaScript.
  • 1. Introduction to development tools
  • 2. Text Editor, IDE
  • 3. Command Prompt(command line)
  • 4. Node setup
  • 5. Postman


  • 1. Brief History of Javascript
  • 2. Variables
  • 3. Operator and Operands
  • 4. Conditionals and Iterations
  • 5. Data types and coercion
  • 6. A brief introduction to data structures like stack, queues, array, and objects Debugging a JS code
  • 7. JS naming conventions
  • 8.A brief introduction to javascript functions and classes
  • 1. Need of ES language specification Understanding of transpilers and polyfills
  • 2.CommonJs vs ES modules
  • 3. Deep guide to modern ES6+ features
  • 4. Brief introduction to Typescript
  • 5. TypeScript Vs JavaScript
  • 1. Hoisting
  • 2. Block/Global/Local Scopes and Temporal Dead Zones Scopes and Closures
  • 3. Prototypes
  • 4. Asynchronous javascript and WebAPIs usages
  • 5. Global execution context
  • 6. Event loops
  • 1. Arguments and Parameters
  • 2. Functions declaration and execution
  • 3. ES6 arrow functions
  • 4. Callback functions
  • 5. Higher Order Functions

Git and Versioning

  • 1. Introduction to version control and usage Github, Bitbucket and Gitlab
  • 2. Initializing and cloning git projects
  • 3. Git commit/push
  • 4. Branches and Pull Requests
  • 5. Standard practices for naming GitHub branches
  • 6. The .gitignore file
  • 7. Github exercises: Collaborating in the same repo and handling merge conflicts live.

Web Technology

  • 1. Introduction to web and how it works
  • 2. Client-server architecture definition
  • 3. Introduction to API and it’s need
  • 4. Introduction to REST API
  • 5. The software development/design pattern
  • 6. The famous - MVC pattern

Node js

  • 1. Introduction to nodejs
  • 2. Requirements for nodejs
  • 3. Nodejs and it’s usages
  • 4. Setup nodejs
  • 1. Introduction to NPM
  • 2. Global Vs Local Installation
  • 3. The package.json file
  • 4. Attributes of Package.json
  • 5. Installing and uninstalling packages using npm
  • 6. Introduction to dependency and dev-dependency
  • 1.The http module
  • 2. Creating a node server using http
  • 3. Http module exercise: creating node server using the http module
  • 4. The fs module
  • 5. Handling file read-write operation using fs module
  • 6. FS modules exercise: File read/write operation using fs module

Express JS

  • 1. Introduction to framework and Express
  • 2. Setting up an express application
  • 3. Express exercise: Creating a hello world application using express
  • 1. Express flow and how it works
  • 2. Introduction to express application and usages
  • 3. The HTTP protocol
  • 4. Introduction to express routing
  • 5. Express request, response object
  • 1. Introduction to middlewares
  • 2. Types of middlewares
  • Types of middlewares
  • 3. Usages of middlewares
  • 4. The next scope
  • 5. Error handling using middlewares
  • 6. Serving the static files using static
  • 7. File handling using middlewares
  • 1.Introduction to auth and authorization
  • 2. Introduction to json web token
  • 3. Authorization using jwt
  • 4. API protection


  • 1. Introduction to database and existing database around
  • 2. Understanding NoSQL (schema less database)
  • 3. Introduction to MongoDB (collection and documents)
  • 4. CRUD operations using shell command
  • 5. Using Mongodb Native driver with Node
  • 6. Database modeling using ODM
  • 7. Using mongodb-compass (ui based database system)
  • 8. Using mongodb-compass (ui based database system)
  • 9. Aggregation in mongodb
  • 10. Map reduce
  • 1. Building APIs with express js and mongodb
  • 2. Using MongoDB as data store in express app with Mongoose

Backend Project: API development using node js, express js and mongodb

Frontend Technology

  • 1. Introduction to HTML
  • 2. Introduction to html tags, attributes and properties
  • 3. Introduction to css
  • 4. Importance and uses of css in a web design
  • 5. HTML/CSS Practice: Creating and designing basic web designs
  • 1. Introduction to responsive vs non-responsive design
  • 2. Bootstrap, a css based framework
  • 3. Alternatives of bootstrap

The React js

  • 1. Understanding react as a library and its ecosystem
  • 2. Difference between libraries and frameworks
  • 3. Setting up react with CDN without using any frameworks
  • 4. A brief overview of how react library can be used in web frameworks such as create- react-app, Gatsby, next.js, etc and mobile frameworks like react-native
  • 5. Introduction to react components, folder structure, and architecture
  • 6. Functional and Class based Components in react
  • 7. React Component Lifecycle Methods
  • 8. Styling a react component
  • 9. Introduction to SPAs
  • 10. Virtual DOM in react
  • 1. State
  • 2. State exercise: Build a like button, counter apps, etc using react state and useState hooks
  • 3. Props
  • 4. Props exercise: pass data from parents to child, child to parent, and from one child to its siblings
  • 5. Refs
  • 6. Refs exercise: Targeting a particular DOM, scrolling to a particular DOM, auto focusing an input field programmatically, etc using useRef hooks
  • 7. Higher-Order Components
  • 8. HOC exercise: Building reusable components using Recompose
  • 1. State
  • 2. State exercise: Build a like button, counter apps, etc using react state and useState hooks
  • 3. Props
  • 4. Props exercise: pass data from parents to child, child to parent, and from one child to its siblings
  • 5. Refs
  • 6. Refs exercise: Targeting a particular DOM, scrolling to a particular DOM, auto focusing an input field programmatically, etc using useRef hooks
  • 7. Higher-Order Components
  • 8. HOC exercise: Building reusable components using Recompose
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Setup react-router to handle routes
  • 3. Server-side rendering vs Client-side Rendering
  • 4. Protected and nested routes
  • 1. Basics of react forms and handling various types of form fields and events
  • 2. Client-side form validation
  • 3. Advanced form handling with Formik and schema validators like Yup or regex
  • 1. Understanding of REST API
  • 2. HTTP methods and protocols
  • 3. Understanding of Fetch API, axios, and interceptors
  • 1. State management using Redux
  • 2. Reducers
  • 3. Action Creators and action types
  • 4. Using redux middleware libraries such as sagas, thunks, and Rxjs to handle asynchronous side effects
  • 5. Using redux logger middlewares and redux dev tools to track state changes Using redux persist to handle storage in the react application
  • 1. Understanding of GraphQL
  • 2. Understanding of data under-fetching and over-fetching
  • 3. Query, arguments, and mutation
  • 4. Variables in graphql
  • 5. Graphql fragments
  • 6. Setting up client side graphql in react with Apollo
  • 1. Introduction to real-time web socket communication
  • 2. Socket io client setup in react
  • 3. Getting connected to sockets and disconnecting a web socket
  • 4. Emitting data and retrieving data to and from a connected socket
  • 1. Overview of various types of software testing
  • 2. Introduction to Unit testing a web application
  • 3. Setting up Jest
  • 4. UI testing, writing tests for mocked APIs
  • 5. Code coverage with jest
  • 1. Understanding of how a react component renders and re-renders
  • 2. An in-depth guide to memoization in react and using performance optimization hooks such as useMemo and useCallback
  • 3. Guide to using dev tools and react Profiler
  • 4. Lazy loading and code splitting
  • 5. Setting up webpack configs, compressing the react app build size
  • 1. Online Reservation System
  • 2. E-commerce Website
  • 3. Project Management System
  • 4. Online Inventory
  • 5. Real time Ride Sharing Application

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